All about coaching (life, executive, high-performance). What it is. How it works. What it’s worth.

Equanimity: A Word for Our Time

Equanimity, along with compassion, is one of the most revered virtues in every spiritual and philosophical tradition. Yet it’s almost entirely absent from our corporate leadership lexicon. That says a lot about who and what and where we are. It’s also why equanimity is a word for our time. IF YOU learn to observe your own mind, as mindfulness teaches you to do, you’ll notice two particular things about your thoughts. Firstly, you’ll notice that your thoughts are always—literally, always*—about the future and the past. So you’re always [...]

The Courage To Lead — What It Takes To Use A Coaching Style

It takes courage to lead. We all know that. It’s even become a catchphrase. Here are five forms of courage – all with parallels in parenting — that are required for a coaching style of leadership. TO DEVELOP a coaching style of leadership takes time. Time for yourself to develop the competence and time for people to get used to it. It also takes time to do the actual coaching stuff, like gaining understanding before asking questions. Then asking those questions. Then waiting for people to respond. Then giving [...]

By |2023-12-05T12:29:20+00:003 Dec 2019|Categories: Coaching, Leadership|Tags: , , , |

Delegate Effectively by Doing It the Coaching Way

To delegate effectively, and free up time for yourself as a leader, you need to do more than just hand out tasks. It’s about setting up a feedback and learning cycle so that you elevate everybody’s level of work. Here’s how to do it using a coaching style of leadership. PERHAPS THE greatest wish of most corporate leaders today is to alleviate the time pressure they’re experiencing. They know that they could achieve this if they could only delegate effectively. Yet, despite having been on so many leadership programs, [...]

By |2023-12-05T12:37:49+00:0026 Nov 2019|Categories: Coaching, Leadership, Team Performance|Tags: , , |

9 Reasons Why Coaching Conversations Are the Most Valuable Leadership Skill

Being able to conduct coaching conversations is perhaps the most important and valuable leadership skill you can develop. Here are the 9 key elements that make coaching conversations so effective. AS YOU may well have experienced for yourself, leadership usually involves a shift from being a subject matter expert (SME) who solves mostly technical problems, to being a leader who solves mostly people and performance issues. As you’ve probably noticed too, problems have a solution and go away. Issues, on the other hand, are ongoing. They advance slowly, step [...]

By |2023-12-05T12:42:17+00:0018 Nov 2019|Categories: Coaching|

What Is People Development?

People development is a duty, a privilege and an investment! COMPANIES ARE in a unique position to develop people and thereby have a positive impact on the society of which they are a part. The organisations that do invest in people development reap massive rewards. Some are measurable, some not. Neil offers tailor-made  people development and high performance coaching programs that are designed to shift staff into high levels of engagement, and beyond, to achieve their full potential. People development programs Neil offers people development programs that cover the following [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:28:24+00:0031 Aug 2012|Categories: Coaching, Leadership|

What is Leadership Development?

Leadership development is a privilege - and it's for everyone! AT A simple practical level, being a leader generally means being in charge. Historically, the old schoolteacher model applied: you were given authority by virtue of your office or title. You gained that title because you were the best at your job or had been there the longest. The title gave you the right to issue instructions. People responded to you because they were conditioned to, or perhaps out of fear. You didn't have to do much other than show [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:28:24+00:0027 Aug 2012|Categories: Coaching, Leadership|Tags: , , , , |

What Are Sales Coaching Solutions?

Sales coaching brings science into the art of sales! EVERY SALES person knows the value of being the trusted advisor. Traditionally, you knew you had achieved that status when your client asked for your opinion on competitor products. This was proof that he or she trusted you and that you had the inside track. This was sufficient in the days when sales coaching taught the art of solutions selling, when salespeople were more sophisticated than buyers, and when products were more broadly differentiated. In today's competitive environment, buyers have become [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:28:25+00:0020 Aug 2012|Categories: Coaching|

What Are People Coaching Solutions?

People coaching solutions are a business's secret weapon! WHEN ARMIES traditionally lined up on the battlefield they used a lot of bluster to strike fear in the enemy's heart. Things like war paint, feathers, shining blades, horses, long hair, big noise - all played a part.What was less visible was the true courage of the warriors, the discipline they had to stick to their structures, and the commitment they had to each other. There are many tales of miraculous victory by the underdogs. They are universally inspiring. And always they [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:28:25+00:0010 Aug 2012|Categories: Coaching|Tags: , , , , |

What is A Business Coach?

Business coaching solutions is guidance at the highest level! Defining a vision and mission is tricky, and important. Doing it alone can be like putting a band in the studio without a producer. The sound that comes out may be energizing for the band, and a cacophony to an outsider. A good producer can turn that sound into a hit. Similarly, a vision may energize the business owners, and miss the mark completely in terms of what the world wants or needs. Just ask the hundreds of Internet entrepreneurs who [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:28:25+00:0027 Jul 2012|Categories: Coaching|Tags: , , , , |
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