Delegate Effectively by Doing It the Coaching Way

To delegate effectively, and free up time for yourself as a leader, you need to do more than just hand out tasks. It’s about setting up a feedback and learning cycle so that you elevate everybody’s level of work. Here’s how to do it using a coaching style of leadership. PERHAPS THE greatest wish of most corporate leaders today is to alleviate the time pressure they’re experiencing. They know that they could achieve this if they could only delegate effectively. Yet, despite having been on so many leadership programs, [...]

By |2023-12-05T12:37:49+00:0026 Nov 2019|Categories: Coaching, Leadership, Team Performance|Tags: , , |

The Impact of Context On Team Performance

The impact of the broader context on team performance is vastly underestimated. USUALLY WHEN a team is not performing, we try to fix the problem at the functional level. Is each person doing their job right? Are they following the process? Does the process need improvement? Most often this is done from the ground up, by looking at the individual team members - or the individual processes - first. This reflects a belief that the individuals and the processes make up the collective the same way that bricks make up [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:26:02+00:007 Dec 2017|Categories: Leadership, Team Performance|Tags: , , |

Do Relationships Maketh The Team?

For better team performance, focus on the relationships; for better individual performance, focus on the team. SPORT IS always a good reference for team performance and for this subject there is no better example than the South African Super Rugby team, The Lions. Despite a proud tradition, the Lions had been on a downhill trajectory for years. They had provided many of the players who won the 1995 Rugby World Cup for South Africa. They had won the first international Super 10 tournament (the precursor to Super Rugby). However, by [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:26:03+00:0021 Nov 2017|Categories: Leadership, Team Performance|Tags: , , |

Team Performance Needs More Than A Team-Build

Improved team performance needs skill in handling the relational issues. A plain ol' team-build just doesn't cut it anymore. PEOPLE ARE generally hired because they can do the job. Yet, when team performance suffers, we start to look at individual performance or process issues. Or, we decide to try an activity-based team-build. More often than not, when team performance is low, it's not because people don't know what to do. It's usually because they are not able to do what they know they should, and probably because somebody or something [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:26:03+00:0023 Oct 2015|Categories: Leadership, Team Performance|Tags: , , |
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