The conscious leader is mindful of motive.
She knows that when people lobby for a decision, they often present a false motive. They say it’s for the greater good, when really, it’s for themselves. They say it’s for the pleasure, when really, it’s for the money.
She knows that decisions can have unintended consequences—you make a play to entrench your power, for example, and you get ousted instead—and that a person’s true motive inevitably gets revealed through such events. The truth will out, as they say.
A false or misguided motive is a danger to any project, and so she carefully examines the motives of those who are for, and those who are against, just as she examines her own motives too.
She makes sure that the motive is always to achieve the greatest possible good for all levels of life, and not just some local agenda.
The conscious leader saves trouble by taking the time she needs to understand everybody’s motive.
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