The conscious leader practices wholeheartedness.
He understands that this means giving fully of himself to everything he does, offering all of his heart, being all-embracing, and that anything less is living small to avoid risk.
He knows that to get it all you must give it all, that’s the fair deal offered by life. He sees that living this way means expansion and growth and connection to the heart of others and to the world. He has seen that it takes courage.
He knows that the opposite of wholeheartedness is criticism, which comes from fear and causes separation, and more fear. He gets that his own criticism of others pre-empts the criticism he himself fears.
He catches himself when he is on this downward spiral. He grounds himself in the present. He readies himself to risk making a mistake or getting it wrong. He reaches out, and expands.
The conscious leader remains connected to others and to life by giving himself with wholeheartedness.
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