The conscious leader is mindful of energy.

She watches the energy levels when people interact. She can see who is giving and who is playing a game; who is owning the problem and who is being a victim. She knows that energy can be still and quiet; it should not be confused with movement, or noise.

She has seen that creativity, performance and excellence are most present when the energy between people is high. She has also seen how energy gets blocked, and how much gets wasted on politics, when there is no trust, and everyone has an agenda.

She has seen that the key to raising energy is honesty—the sharing of truths—and giving people the space to be themselves, to be heard, without judgement or criticism. She’s clear that these bring people together better than any pep talk or team-building rope climb. She’s also clear that honest sharing can only happen when people agree to listen with a forgiving ear.

She knows there is an unlimited source of energy that can be unlocked in herself and in others, in any situation, as long as they are both open and honest, and kind.

The conscious leader unlocks the energy in people and situations and uses honest sharing as the key.

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