Use Coaching to Unlock Your Potential!



to Unlock




Use Coaching to Unlock Your Potential!


Coaching supports you to recognise the two conversations that go on – and on – inside you. There’s the one about what you really want, and the other about why you can’t have it. Coaching will support you to make empowered choices about which one to live your life by. By learning to manage these conversations better, you unlock your potential. That will give you your best chance of living the life you know you deserve.

It’s never too late to uncover your gift!

It’s never too late to uncover your gift!

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Available Services

life coaching

Success can be defined in many different ways. For some, it’s about money. For others, it’s about the scale of contribution they make, or the quality of relationships they maintain. Still others want to search inside, find meaning, purpose their true expression. Either way, life coaching can put you on the path.

life coach johannesburg online life coaching for men

DEFINE FOR yourself what it means to be a man in the 21st Century. The old rules no longer apply. What are your values? What would meaningful success look like for you? Are you committed to achieve your potential? What legacy will you leave behind? Coaching for Men is life coaching with a special focus on men.

leader team performance, executive coaching johannesburg online

AS YOU climb the ladder of success, the demands become less technical and more behavioural. Develop your leadership skills as you move from one level to the next. Identify and develop your behavioural strengths and deal with your blind spots and avoidances. Define your authentic leadership brand.

team coaching team performance

NO MAN is an island and no leader is without a team. Developing leader and/or team in isolation from each other does not produce sustainable results. Working together produces exponential benefits to move from being conflict-ridden to high-performing.

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Available Services

life coaching

Success can be defined in many different ways. For some, it’s about money. For others, it’s about the scale of contribution they make, or the quality of relationships they maintain. Still others want to search inside, find meaning, purpose their true expression. Either way, life coaching can put you on the path.

life coach johannesburg online life coaching for men

DEFINE FOR yourself what it means to be a man in the 21st Century. The old rules no longer apply. What are your values? What would meaningful success look like for you? Are you committed to achieve your potential? What legacy will you leave behind? Coaching for Men is life coaching with a special focus on men.

leader team performance, executive coaching johannesburg online

AS YOU climb the ladder of success, the demands become less technical and more behavioural. Develop your leadership skills as you move from one level to the next. Identify and develop your behavioural strengths and deal with your blind spots and avoidances. Define your authentic leadership brand.

team coaching team performance

NO MAN is an island and no leader is without a team. Developing leader and/or team in isolation from each other does not produce sustainable results. Working together produces exponential benefits to move from being conflict-ridden to high-performing.

enneagram report and debrief

THE ENNEAGRAM is a framework for understanding your personality. It reveals the links between your core personality attributes and your underlying avoidance areas, and how both show up as habitual and/or reactive behaviour patterns. You can apply the information to all areas of your life.

MANY PEOPLE find the investment of time and money for coaching prohibitive. If you’re in that position, you now have the option to coach yourself online with this affordable program! You’ll get to engage at your preferred pace—and price—and still enjoy a number of contact points with me, Neil, as your coach.

personal effectiveness book series neil bierbaum

WHAT BETTER way to start or finish your coaching journey than with a book?! All the awareness introductions and tools that you’ll get during a life or executive coaching program are made available through the Personal Effectiveness set. There are self-coaching handbooks as well. And that’s not all…!

MINDFULNESS IS about so much more than paying attention while eating. It is the salt in the mix of any personal development journey. It enriches and enlivens anything else you might learn or experience. It provides a path to personal mastery and is the key to transforming your experience of life.

THE ENNEAGRAM is a framework for understanding your personality. It reveals the links between your core personality attributes and your underlying avoidance areas, and how both show up as habitual and/or reactive behaviour patterns. You can apply the information to all areas of your life.

online coaching program

MANY PEOPLE find the investment of time and money for coaching prohibitive. If you’re in that position, you now have the option to coach yourself online with this affordable program! You’ll get to engage at your preferred pace—and price—and still enjoy a number of contact points with me, Neil, as your coach.

WHAT BETTER way to start or finish your coaching journey than with a book?! All the awareness introductions and tools that you’ll get during a life or executive coaching program are made available through the Personal Effectiveness set. There are self-coaching handbooks as well. And that’s not all…!

MINDFULNESS IS about so much more than paying attention while eating. It is the salt in the mix of any personal development journey. It enriches and enlivens anything else you might learn or experience. It provides a path to personal mastery and is the key to transforming your experience of life.


Coaching Programs

What's wrong with me?

I need to know what my issues are!

Awareness is the key!

When you know the problem, the answer presents itself. Create the clarity you need with the Enneagram Report and Debrief.

I need a kick in the pants!

I don't want coaching, but could use a kickstart!

Potentiate Yourself!

The Potentiate Package is the ideal solution if you’re at a crossroads and need a little direction!

It's man versus world!

I'm worried I'll never reach my potential!


You’re not alone, and your friends are not helping.
Have a look at your options.

It's tough at the top!

It's a dog-eat-dog world - and I'm all alone!


The margins of success get smaller, the higher you climb.
Consider your executive coaching options today!

My staff will be the end of me!

I'm tearing my hair out with frustration!


They don’t teach us how to get along, but it’s never too late to start!
Find out about team coaching.

Stress is killing me!

I need to learn to manage myself better!


Being present and peaceful is easier said than done!
Have a look at Practical Mindfulness.

Key Elements of a Coaching Process

  • It’s important that you commit to the required number of sessions for each phase at a regular time. Naturally we’ll deal with exceptions as they arise, however you’ll discover that commitment, and being able to make plans and stick to them, is a vital part of the process.

  • You’ll be asked to set definable, measurable goals for the coaching cycle. You don’t have to do that before you approach me, we’ll do it in partnership as part of the kick-off process. During each session we’ll design the best next steps to achieve those goals.

  • Throughout the process, in parallel to your own objectives for each session, I will introduce models or “distinctions”. These are presented in a way, and in an order, that will enable you to build a big-picture awareness of how we human beings create our reality. In addition, you’ll learn what you can do to leverage that awareness.

  • In addition to introducing distinctions, I’ll lead a process of asking relevant and powerful questions that expose and break down mental and emotional blocks and barriers to achieving the stated goals.

  • You will be asked to turn your awareness into practices that can become habits. These new habits will feed back into your way of being until you become naturally enthused, energised, inspired and confident.

  • Your full engagement will enable you to discover and develop a new identity that will naturally enthuse and empower you and that plays to your strengths. This will emerge, no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what your current circumstances, no matter what your age.

  • At the end of the process we will use behavioural and other hard evidence to assess the level of achievement of your goals. Based on this, we will co-create on any forwarding actions that will support you to continue the growth path into the future.

Key Elements of the Process

  • It’s important that you commit to the required number of sessions for each phase at a regular time. Naturally we’ll deal with exceptions as they arise, however you’ll discover that commitment, and being able to make plans and stick to them, is a vital part of the process.

  • You’ll be asked to set definable, measurable goals for the coaching cycle. You don’t have to do that before you approach me, we’ll do it in partnership as part of the kick-off process. During each session we’ll design the best next steps to achieve those goals.

  • Throughout the process, in parallel to your own objectives for each session, I will introduce models or “distinctions”. These are presented in a way, and in an order, that will enable you to build a big-picture awareness of how we human beings create our reality. In addition, you’ll learn what you can do to leverage that awareness.

  • In addition to introducing distinctions, I’ll lead a process of asking relevant and powerful questions that expose and break down mental and emotional blocks and barriers to achieving the stated goals.

  • You will be asked to turn your awareness into practices that can become habits. These new habits will feed back into your way of being until you become naturally enthused, energised, inspired and confident.

  • Your full engagement will enable you to discover and develop a new identity that will naturally enthuse and empower you and that plays to your strengths. This will emerge, no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what your current circumstances, no matter what your age.

  • At the end of the process we will use behavioural and other hard evidence to assess the level of achievement of your goals. Based on this, we will co-create on any forwarding actions that will support you to continue the growth path into the future.

ask some questions

About Coaching

What is coaching?

EVERY ONE of us has a dream, a goal, a passion, a lifestyle that we want to pursue. Set against that we have beliefs that limit us. You might want to start your own business, but believe deep down that you don’t have the skills, or can’t afford the risk. Getting fit, getting educated, finding the right relationship partner. In all of these areas there is something that you would most likely have if you could and you were honest with yourself. Weighing heavily on anyone is the belief that it’s too late, that you’re not good enough, that life doesn’t work like that, and so on. Coaching supports you to recognise these two conversations as they exist inside you and to make empowered choices about which one to live your life by.

Coaching turns life’s unprecedented challenges into opportunities

Modern society presents people with unprecedented challenges and opportunities. There is the opportunity to create your own path and fulfil your destiny. Conversely, there is the challenge to define yourself without the strong social reference points of religion, job, social class that past generations relied upon.

There is the opportunity that technology presents for unprecedented personal marketing, communication and commercial leverage. On the other hand, there’s the challenge of managing your time and staying abreast of developments.

You can have the life you dream of or you can have your reasons why not, but you can’t have both. A coach can set you on the path to self-sufficiency so that you achieve the life you know you deserve.

There are unprecedented opportunities for education and wealth creation. The problem is, those knowledge and wealth creation strategies become obsolete as quickly as you learn them.

Therefore, you need self-management and life management in a way that you never did before. Coaching steps into this space. Coaching is a way of becoming self-sufficient in a world where you need self-sufficiency more than ever. It delivers principles and practices that are relevant to all areas of life. That means the corporate work space, the small, privately-owned business space and in people’s personal lives.

How does it work?

executive coaching

THE COACHING relationship is a partnership that supports you in a number of ways. The first is in understanding what you want. This is often not as easy as it sounds, because we’re not trained to do that. In addition, it supports you to take action steps that, if followed, will take you to your goal.

Another aspect is to make sure that the goals are yours and not someone else’s. Also, that whatever alternate steps you might try, you don’t lose sight of the main goal. In addition, the coaching partnership provides an accountability presence. In other words, it’s like when you have a gym buddy. You’re more likely to get out of bed in the morning.

Finally, the coaching partnership provides you with an awareness lens. It enables you to see for yourself any limiting beliefs you may hold. In addition, it gives you tools with which you can diagnose and repair on the go.

YOU CAN think of the coaching process as being akin to riding in a taxi. You know where you want to go, and you tell the driver. The driver’s job is to get you there as quickly and safely as possible.

Similarly, when you engage a coach, the first thing you’ll be asked is what you want to achieve. We’re not always good at defining that. Instead, we’re more likely to come up with a few problem statements first. That’s OK. A good coach will help you to translate those problem statements into measurable, desired outcomes — your taxi driver in the role of tour guide.

Whatever goal you choose, it must inspire you and challenge you out of your comfort zone. In addition, it should be measurable, ideally in a way that you can give yourself — and your driver — an accurate rating at the end of the journey: did you get there, or not? And if you’re someone who doesn’t like setting goals, or thinks it’s not for you, then coaching might be even more relevant than you think!

A STANDARD coaching program usually consists of 6-9 sessions per phase, and can consist of multiple phases. Ideally, the sessions will be held weekly or fortnightly. However, in some cases, it makes sense to hold them less frequently. The idea is to target a finite and measurable set of goals for each phase. Then, in particular, to assess your level of achievement of those goals at the end of each phase.

Ultimately, each phase of coaching should give you tools and set you free to do things on your own. Your choice to engage in a further phase would be based on a new, perhaps more challenging, set of goals. Or it could involve learning to apply the tools at greater levels of complexity.

To use an analogy from sport, many of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps’s gold medals were won by thousandths of a second. It’s really no different in business and in life. In other words, it doesn’t get easier at the top; it gets tougher, and coaching can make all the difference.

EACH SESSION within a coaching process is also like that taxi trip mentioned above. After you’ve arrived and settled in, and shared all the successes and challenges you’ve had since the last session, you will be asked what you want to use this session for, where you want to go.

This is one way in which coaching is different from therapy and consulting. In particular, the “expert” doesn’t tell you where to go; you decide. It’s also quite different from talking to your friends, who generally have plenty of advice that you didn’t necessarily ask for.

Having stated your session goal, the coach is trained to ask questions in a way that supports you to find the answers for yourself. This may seem strange at first – like, What are you paying them for? – but you soon get to see that this approach empowers you to one day be able to function alone, without the coach.

ask some questions

About Coaching

What is coaching?

EVERY ONE of us has a dream, a goal, a passion, a lifestyle that we want to pursue. Set against that we have beliefs that limit us. You might want to start your own business, but believe deep down that you don’t have the skills, or can’t afford the risk. Getting fit, getting educated, finding the right relationship partner. In all of these areas there is something that you would most likely have if you could and you were honest with yourself. Weighing heavily on anyone is the belief that it’s too late, that you’re not good enough, that life doesn’t work like that, and so on. Coaching supports you to recognise these two conversations as they exist inside you and to make empowered choices about which one to live your life by.

Coaching turns life’s unprecedented challenges into opportunities

Modern society presents people with unprecedented challenges and opportunities. There is the opportunity to create your own path and fulfil your destiny. Conversely, there is the challenge to define yourself without the strong social reference points of religion, job, social class that past generations relied upon.

There is the opportunity that technology presents for unprecedented personal marketing, communication and commercial leverage. On the other hand, there’s the challenge of managing your time and staying abreast of developments.

You can have the life you dream of or you can have your reasons why not, but you can’t have both. A coach can set you on the path to self-sufficiency so that you achieve the life you know you deserve.

There are unprecedented opportunities for education and wealth creation. The problem is, those knowledge and wealth creation strategies become obsolete as quickly as you learn them.

Therefore, you need self-management and life management in a way that you never did before. Coaching steps into this space. Coaching is a way of becoming self-sufficient in a world where you need self-sufficiency more than ever. It delivers principles and practices that are relevant to all areas of life. That means the corporate work space, the small, privately-owned business space and in people’s personal lives.

How does it work?

executive coaching

THE COACHING relationship is a partnership that supports you in a number of ways. The first is in understanding what you want. This is often not as easy as it sounds, because we’re not trained to do that. In addition, it supports you to take action steps that, if followed, will take you to your goal.

Another aspect is to make sure that the goals are yours and not someone else’s. Also, that whatever alternate steps you might try, you don’t lose sight of the main goal. In addition, the coaching partnership provides an accountability presence. In other words, it’s like when you have a gym buddy. You’re more likely to get out of bed in the morning.

Finally, the coaching partnership provides you with an awareness lens. It enables you to see for yourself any limiting beliefs you may hold. In addition, it gives you tools with which you can diagnose and repair on the go.

YOU CAN think of the coaching process as being akin to riding in a taxi. You know where you want to go, and you tell the driver. The driver’s job is to get you there as quickly and safely as possible.

Similarly, when you engage a coach, the first thing you’ll be asked is what you want to achieve. We’re not always good at defining that. Instead, we’re more likely to come up with a few problem statements first. That’s OK. A good coach will help you to translate those problem statements into measurable, desired outcomes — your taxi driver in the role of tour guide.

Whatever goal you choose, it must inspire you and challenge you out of your comfort zone. In addition, it should be measurable, ideally in a way that you can give yourself — and your driver — an accurate rating at the end of the journey: did you get there, or not? And if you’re someone who doesn’t like setting goals, or thinks it’s not for you, then coaching might be even more relevant than you think!

A STANDARD coaching program usually consists of 6-9 sessions per phase, and can consist of multiple phases. Ideally, the sessions will be held weekly or fortnightly. However, in some cases, it makes sense to hold them less frequently. The idea is to target a finite and measurable set of goals for each phase. Then, in particular, to assess your level of achievement of those goals at the end of each phase.

Ultimately, each phase of coaching should give you tools and set you free to do things on your own. Your choice to engage in a further phase would be based on a new, perhaps more challenging, set of goals. Or it could involve learning to apply the tools at greater levels of complexity.

To use an analogy from sport, many of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps’s gold medals were won by thousandths of a second. It’s really no different in business and in life. In other words, it doesn’t get easier at the top; it gets tougher, and coaching can make all the difference.

EACH SESSION within a coaching process is also like that taxi trip mentioned above. After you’ve arrived and settled in, and shared all the successes and challenges you’ve had since the last session, you will be asked what you want to use this session for, where you want to go.

This is one way in which coaching is different from therapy and consulting. In particular, the “expert” doesn’t tell you where to go; you decide. It’s also quite different from talking to your friends, who generally have plenty of advice that you didn’t necessarily ask for.

Having stated your session goal, the coach is trained to ask questions in a way that supports you to find the answers for yourself. This may seem strange at first – like, What are you paying them for? – but you soon get to see that this approach empowers you to one day be able to function alone, without the coach.

executive coaching

THE COACHING relationship is a partnership that supports you in a number of ways. The first is in understanding what you want. This is often not as easy as it sounds, because we’re not trained to do that. In addition, it supports you to take action steps that, if followed, will take you to your goal.

Another aspect is to make sure that the goals are yours and not someone else’s. Also, that whatever alternate steps you might try, you don’t lose sight of the main goal. In addition, the coaching partnership provides an accountability presence. In other words, it’s like when you have a gym buddy. You’re more likely to get out of bed in the morning.

Finally, the coaching partnership provides you with an awareness lens. It enables you to see for yourself any limiting beliefs you may hold. In addition, it gives you tools with which you can diagnose and repair on the go.

YOU CAN think of the coaching process as being akin to riding in a taxi. You know where you want to go, and you tell the driver. The driver’s job is to get you there as quickly and safely as possible.

Similarly, when you engage a coach, the first thing you’ll be asked is what you want to achieve. We’re not always good at defining that. Instead, we’re more likely to come up with a few problem statements first. That’s OK. A good coach will help you to translate those problem statements into measurable, desired outcomes — your taxi driver in the role of tour guide.

Whatever goal you choose, it must inspire you and challenge you out of your comfort zone. In addition, it should be measurable, ideally in a way that you can give yourself — and your driver — an accurate rating at the end of the journey: did you get there, or not? And if you’re someone who doesn’t like setting goals, or thinks it’s not for you, then coaching might be even more relevant than you think!

A STANDARD coaching program usually consists of 6-9 sessions per phase, and can consist of multiple phases. Ideally, the sessions will be held weekly or fortnightly. However, in some cases, it makes sense to hold them less frequently. The idea is to target a finite and measurable set of goals for each phase. Then, in particular, to assess your level of achievement of those goals at the end of each phase.

Ultimately, each phase of coaching should give you tools and set you free to do things on your own. Your choice to engage in a further phase would be based on a new, perhaps more challenging, set of goals. Or it could involve learning to apply the tools at greater levels of complexity.

To use an analogy from sport, many of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps’s gold medals were won by thousandths of a second. It’s really no different in business and in life. In other words, it doesn’t get easier at the top; it gets tougher, and coaching can make all the difference.

EACH SESSION within a coaching process is also like that taxi trip mentioned above. After you’ve arrived and settled in, and shared all the successes and challenges you’ve had since the last session, you will be asked what you want to use this session for, where you want to go.

This is one way in which coaching is different from therapy and consulting. In particular, the “expert” doesn’t tell you where to go; you decide. It’s also quite different from talking to your friends, who generally have plenty of advice that you didn’t necessarily ask for.

Having stated your session goal, the coach is trained to ask questions in a way that supports you to find the answers for yourself. This may seem strange at first – like, What are you paying them for? – but you soon get to see that this approach empowers you to one day be able to function alone, without the coach.