Get your paperback copy of Personal Effectiveness for Executives delivered to you, plus instant access to this fast-track video series!
THE FAST-TRACK video series consists of 46 videos, covering 12 different themes. Each “session” in the series corresponds to a chapter in the Personal Effectiveness for Executives book. You can watch each video as you read the related chapter, or you can watch them all right away, it’s up to you.
BONUS! After you’ve watched each video—and, presumably, read the corresponding chapter in the book—you’ll be able to submit a written question to the author, Neil, who will respond within 48 hours.
ADDITIONAL BONUS! Each “session” contains two bonus audio tracks of author readings from the Personal Effectiveness for Executives book!
What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
NOTE This product option is only available in South Africa — includes free book delivery.
PS Scroll down to view a sample video and listen to a sample audio track.