Should You Make A New Year’s Resolution?

New Year’s resolutions are so last century, right? I mean, who really even believes that they’ll follow through with anything, who believes that they’ll actually make that change? What if you’re going about it all wrong, this year and every year? This post is also available as a YouTube video (click here). Or jump to the audio version. SO HERE we are, going into 2022. Given the two years we’ve had, and the direction that Covid seems to be taking, perhaps all you’ll have to do [...]

DILS 2012 | 25 Leadership Quotes (2 of 5)

Here’s the second five of my selection of the 25 best quotes from the Discovery Invest Leadership Summit 2012. There's Terry Leahy on vision, values and culture, Garry Kasparov on having goals, Prof Tim Noakes on pain, Tony Blair on making change happen, and more...

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