The Conscious Leader : #33 Decisiveness
The conscious leader knows that when decisions that can be made are left unmade, then chaos erupts out of the uncertainty.
The conscious leader knows that when decisions that can be made are left unmade, then chaos erupts out of the uncertainty.
The last five in the series of quotes from the Discovery Invest Leadership Summit 2012. Make sure you read them all, there are enough for you to feel like you were there!
Number three in the series and today the focus is on leadership qualities, plus Garry Kasparov on adventure and courage and Michael Porter on the blind spot of business schools.
This week I'm publishing my selection of the 25 (five a day) best or most relevant quotes from the Discovery Invest Leadership Summit (DILS) 2012. Quotes from: Adrian Gore, Garry Kasparov, Pravin Gordhan, Prof Tim Noakes, Sir Terry Leahy, Michael Porter and Tony Blair. Provide the best summary of the themes and your response will get published next week!
A powerful aura surrounds the person who speaks their truth without hesitation WHAT IS your truth? Does such a thing even exist? Take an example from your own life, if you dare to: identify one thing you’re currently doing for the sake of maintaining appearances. Perhaps it’s a business partnership you want to get out of, but you don’t and you have a hundred reasons why not. How much energy is it costing you? If you were free to do what you want with regards to that thing, what choice [...]