Coaching | Chemistry Session
Choose this option if you’d like to experience a 45-minute online coaching session with Neil.
THE ANNOYING thing about websites is that while they give you tons of information, they sometimes just don’t answer that one question that you’re sitting with. Or you can look at that tailored jacket, or that exquisite pair of shoes, and still not know how it will feel when you’re wearing it. That’s something you can only judge when you get to try the thing on.
If you don’t know what coaching is, or how it works—or if you do know, but you can’t tell if Neil will be the “right” coach for you—then this is your opportunity to find out. Purchase this option to set up a 45-minute online coaching session with Neil to see if you think you can work together. You might choose to present an issue and receive actual coaching, in order to experience what it can do for you; or you might use it as a Q&A session with Neil to find out more about how he works, and whether you think he can address some particular issues that you’d like to work on. That’s also fine.
Be careful what you look for
On that last point, here’s a warning. Many people choose a coach whom they feel comfortable with, when it’s that very level of comfort that they need to shift out of. Or they may “like” a person and choose to be coached by them for that reason. If you take a good look at your life, you’ll see that the people who are good for you are not always the ones you “like” the most. That’s not to say that Neil isn’t likable—I am, he insists!—it’s just to point out that you need to go with a coach who will challenge and push you in the right way and in the right direction, and those are the things you need to look for.
Alright, enough of that, go ahead and make the purchase. Neil is waiting to help you to kick-start your journey to personal effectiveness, and being the best version of yourself that you can be.
NOTE Once you’ve purchased this option, look for the calendly link in the confirmation email and use that to set up a time for the call.