Be Your Own Life Coach!

self-coaching online

ACHIEVE those goals you’ve been dreaming about!

DEVELOP confidence and self-mastery!

GROW in self-awareness!

BECOME a better friend, partner, leader!

COACH yourself online with this affordable program!

ENGAGE at your preferred pace—and an affordable price!

ENJOY a number of contact points with Neil as your coach!

LEARN a repeatable process, so that you can keep coaching yourself, even after you’ve finished!

PUT YOURSELF on a sustainable winning path!

What does self-coaching involve?

self-coaching online life executive

3 months

12 Self-guided sessions

4 Sections to each session

1 Learning theme per session

2 Opportunities to submit your progress

12 Opportunities to ask a question

44 Coaching questions for you to keep

What does self-coaching involve?

self-coaching online life executive

3 months

12 Self-guided sessions

4 Sections to each session

1 Learning theme per session

2 Opportunities to submit your progress

12 Opportunities to ask a question

44 Coaching questions for you to keep

What does self-coaching involve?

self-coaching online life executive

3 months

12 Self-guided sessions

4 Sections to each session

1 Learning theme per session

2 Opportunities to submit your progress

12 Opportunities to ask a question

44 Coaching questions for you to keep

Is self-coaching for me?

Ask yourself:

  • Do you find yourself consistently setting goals, or trying to change habits, and then not following through?
  • Do you find yourself making decisions that often don’t serve you?
  • Do you become easily discouraged when things don’t work out?
  • motivation feelings getting motivatedDo you become easily bored once you’ve had the great idea and now you need to follow through?
  • Are you facing a career crossroads or other life-stage decision point and you need to create clarity for yourself?
  • Do you want to stop procrastinating and move your life forward in a sustainable, consistent and inspiring way?
  • Do you want to improve how you show up in your relationships and in life in general?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then you’re in the right place.

Also ask yourself:

  • Have you recently been promoted and you find yourself having to manage people who were once your peers?
  • best life coaching for men executive coaching team coachingAre you leading a team—or even a whole department or division—at work and you need some help dealing with the people aspect?
  • Are you destined for greater things at your company and you want to get yourself ready for a leadership role.

These issues are covered by the Professional (Executive) version of this program. Choose that version (follow this link) if you answered yes to any or all of this second set of questions.

Yes, I’m ready to invest. Where do I sign up?


If you’re not satisfied with the program, let us know within 14 days and you’ll get your money back. Guaranteed. 

How are the sessions structured?

The Self-Coaching Online program consists of 12 sessions which you can conduct in your own time.

Each session consists of four sections, which are detailed below:

Session Check-In
5-10 mins

The session check-in will enable you to build a bridge from the previous session and to prepare for the current session.

The check-in for each session will consist of:

  • A review of your understanding and application of your learning from the previous session during the time since you completed that session;
  • A brief introduction to the session theme, and an exercise for you to prepare yourself for that theme’s introduction so you can get the most out of it.

Session Theme
20-30 mins

A foundation theme is introduced with each session through a combination of lecture-style video, audioslide, downloadable PDF* notes and exercise sheets. Examples of session themes include: Working with Values; Your Power to Create; Making Agreements; The Flow State; etc (scroll down for the full list).

  • Each theme will provide an empowering perspective and/or a tool you can work with;
  • Each session’s theme will build on past themes, so that you’ll have a new body of knowledge and a wider range of awareness when you’re finished.
    * There will always be an audio option available so you can listen instead of read if that’s your preference.

10-20 minutes

There are two guided self-coaching processes within each session:

  • The first self-coaching process is based on the aforementioned session theme. You’ll be guided by a short self-reflection questionnaire.
  • The second self-coaching process within each session is designed to move you forward on your main goals, which you will set at the beginning of the program. For this part, you’ll be guided by a process outline and you’ll refer to a set of coaching questions that you’ll be provided with early in the program.

Session Check-Out
5-10 mins

Each session will end with a short review:

  • Review your learning from the session. You’ll be guided by a set of questions.
    • Get the specifics of your homework exercise.

“This course was transformational. I had many a-ha moments along the way as Neil [through the videos] delivered truths and tools in a digestible and relatable way that allowed me to see my development areas as clearly as I saw the possible solutions. Thank you Neil for this programme, and for your style, your energy and your wit. That it’s an online, self-coaching model didn’t take anything away at all because of the clarity in every module. I feel empowered by what I’ve learned and encouraged by how practical and immediately transferrable to my reality the course was.” — Shameela Winston

Can I see a sample video?

Each session within the Self-Coaching Online program contains at least one instruction video related to that session’s theme. Below is a sample video, which happens to also be the introduction video for Session 1. The theme for this session is Getting Motivated.

Can I hear a sample audio?

Below is a sample audio track. It’s the “Monitor & Record” homework instructions for Session 4. The theme for this session is Your Power to Create. Each downloadable PDF document is accompanied by an audio track, which enables you to listen instead of read.

Can I see a sample of the session notes?

This link will take you to a sample session (Session 3 from the Executive course) where you can download this pdf file. The theme for this session is Working with Values.

How much will I need to invest in my future?



How much will I need to invest in my future?

best life coaching for menProfessional


Yes, I’m ready to invest. Where do I sign up?


If you’re not satisfied with the program, let us know within 14 days and you’ll get your money back. Guaranteed. 

What are the session themes?


Main Theme


Getting Motivated

Get to grips with the fact that you can get motivated at any time and in any situation—by a simple decision! Discover what that decision is, and how you can consciously and deliberately get yourself into the state of optimal experience (also known as the “flow” state).


Know Yourself

Nail the question of your personality strengths and weaknesses using the enneagram as a lens. Discover or confirm which activities are more likely to get you into that peak state of experience and performance. Conversely, discover or confirm what your “worst thing in the world” is, and just how much that runs your life!


Working with Values

Take a look under the hood at how your personal set of values drives every decision you’ll ever make. Armed with this information, you’ll be able to adjust your life path to one that’s in line with your intentions. It might also keep you out of trouble for becoming too obsessed with one thing—like work, for example!


Your Power to Create

Dig deep into the extraordinary power that you have as a human being to create and direct the course of your life, using language. Once you get this, you’ll be inspired to use your words more consciously and with greater precision—and you’ll know how. You’ll also have a new working definition of integrity.


Decision & Commitment

Map a route through life’s increasing complexity by learning how to create clear ground and stable reference points for effective decision-making. Add to the mix a recognition of the power of a determined commitment, and you’ll become a modern-day Livingstone, cutting a swathe through every obstacle and opening up new vistas.


Story & Reality

Gain a bird’s-eye view of your own mind’s need to explain and make sense of things, and how the story that you come up with often has nothing to do with the reality of the situation. Learn to swoop down on your own “narrative” and separate it from the reality of what’s really going on, thereby taking a quantum leap in your level of personal effectiveness.


Taking Responsibility

Become forever empowered by learning to manage your wants and needs, and therefore your relationships, like a proper grownup. With this distinction, you’ll forever be able to shift yourself out of a complaining, or victim, state and into solution mode—the mode of taking responsibility. You’ll become a force for clarity and a paragon of personal power. 


Working with Emotions

Command the battlefield of your emotions by learning to listen to what they’re telling you. Victory comes when you can respond instead of react, which means transforming the energy of the emotion into fuel for positive action. This session is co-presented by clinical psychologist and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) specialist Dr Colinda Linde.


The Red Zone

Catch yourself in the act of treating something like it’s the end of the world, when really it’s not. Learn to stalk your own triggers for this fight-or-flight reaction, and how to pounce—OK, how to presence and ground yourself—when those triggers are active. You’ll become even more deeply attuned to what’s real and what matters, which will have the knock-on effect of reducing your experience of life as being stressful and further improve the effectiveness of your decision-making. 


The State of Flow

Master the art of consciously moving between the motivational states. In particular, learn how to easily get yourself into “the zone”, or “flow” state, at any time and in any situation. Know when to rest, and when to stop resting, when to push yourself and when you’re pushing too hard. People will marvel as you begin to glide with ease through life. 


The Habit of Completion

Chase down one of the major causes of stress and ineffectiveness and learn to deal with it. It’s so simple and obvious, you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it. In fact, you’ll probably want to say you knew it all along, you just “forgot”! This is the last big step—it’s a giant leap, really—on the journey to personal effectiveness.


Lifestyle & Legacy

Explore the landscape of your life’s meaning and purpose. Decide why you’re here, who you choose to be and how you choose to live your life going forward. Define, or redefine, what you want to do or be known for, and what you want to leave behind as a legacy. Discover new vistas of possibility for yourself and your loved ones. 

1 | Getting Motivated

Get to grips with the fact that you can get motivated at any time and in any situation—by a simple decision! Discover what that decision is, and how you can consciously and deliberately get yourself into the state of optimal experience (also known as the “flow” state).

2 | Know Yourself

Nail the question of your personality strengths and weaknesses using the enneagram as a lens. Discover or confirm which activities are more likely to get you into that peak state of experience and performance. Conversely, discover or confirm what your “worst thing in the world” is, and just how much that runs your life!

3 | Working with Values

Take a look under the hood at how your personal set of values drives every decision you’ll ever make. Armed with this information, you’ll be able to adjust your life path to one that’s in line with your intentions. It might also keep you out of trouble for becoming too obsessed with one thing—like work, for example!

4 | Your Power to Create

Dig deep into the extraordinary power that you have as a human being to create and direct the course of your life, using language. Once you get this, you’ll be inspired to use your words more consciously and with greater precision—and you’ll know how. You’ll also have a new working definition of integrity.

5 | Decision & Commitment

Map a route through life’s increasing complexity by learning how to create clear ground and stable reference points for effective decision-making. Add to the mix a recognition of the power of a determined commitment, and you’ll become a modern-day Livingstone, cutting a swathe through every obstacle and opening up new vistas.

6 | Story & Reality

Gain a bird’s-eye view of your own mind’s need to explain and make sense of things, and how the story that you come up with often has nothing to do with the reality of the situation. Learn to swoop down on your own “narrative” and separate it from the reality of what’s really going on, thereby taking a quantum leap in your level of personal effectiveness.

7 | Taking Responsibility

Become forever empowered by learning to manage your wants and needs, and therefore your relationships, like a proper grownup. With this distinction, you’ll forever be able to shift yourself out of a complaining, or victim, state and into solution mode—the mode of taking responsibility. You’ll become a force for clarity and a paragon of personal power.

8 | Working with Emotions

Command the battlefield of your emotions by learning to listen to what they’re telling you. Victory comes when you can respond instead of react, which means transforming the energy of the emotion into fuel for positive action. This session is co-presented by clinical psychologist and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) specialist Dr Colinda Linde.

9 | The Red Zone

Catch yourself in the act of treating something like it’s the end of the world, when really it’s not. Learn to stalk your own triggers for this fight-or-flight reaction, and how to pounce—OK, how to presence and ground yourself—when those triggers are active. You’ll become even more deeply attuned to what’s real and what matters, which will have the knock-on effect of reducing your experience of life as being stressful and further improve the effectiveness of your decision-making.

10 | The State of Flow

Master the art of consciously moving between the motivational states. In particular, learn how to easily get yourself into “the zone”, or “flow” state, at any time and in any situation. Know when to rest, and when to stop resting, when to push yourself and when you’re pushing too hard. People will marvel as you begin to glide with ease through life.

11 | The Habit of Completion

Master the art of consciously moving between the motivational states. In particular, learn how to easily get yourself into “the zone”, or “flow” state, at any time and in any situation. Know when to rest, and when to stop resting, when to push yourself and when you’re pushing too hard. People will marvel as you begin to glide with ease through life.

12 | Lifestyle & Legacy

Explore the landscape of your life’s meaning and purpose. Decide why you’re here, who you choose to be and how you choose to live your life going forward. Define, or redefine, what you want to do or be known for, and what you want to leave behind as a legacy. Discover new vistas of possibility for yourself and your loved ones.

Yes, I’m ready to invest. Where do I sign up?


If you’re not satisfied with the program, let us know within 14 days and you’ll get your money back. Guaranteed. 

Will I have contact with an actual coach?

You’ll never be left completely on your own. There are various contact points with me throughout the program.

life coaching executive coaching

The contact points with me will be as follows:

  • First off, I’ll personally review the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the process so that you can be confident that what you’re working on is challenging, inspiring, meaningful and measurable.
  • Second, you’ll be able to ask one question at the end of each session with regards to your understanding and application of the session theme.
  • In addition, you’ll get two chances to report on your self-coaching process to do with your main goals to see if you’re on track, if you’re doing it right, and to get feedback and guidance from me.
  • Finally, if you’re still having difficulty, you’ll be able to book an online (Zoom / Teams) session with me, which you’ll get at a “50% off” discounted rate as a result of your being a participant in this program.

What’s more, the program is modular and the different elements get repeated. This means you’ll be able to apply the process and coach yourself once you’ve finished.

In addition, when you’ve completed the program, you’ll gain access to a set of masterclasses.

More importantly, you’ll know how to get the best out of those based on the process you’ll have learned by participating in this program.

What else do I need to know?

The Self-Coaching Online program is designed to improve your personal effectiveness, both in the short and long term. It will work for you if you’re already fairly well-balanced and moving forward in your life, and you’d like to take things up a level. You’ll need to have a reasonable level of self-awareness for this process to work.

The Self-Coaching Online program will not work if you’re suffering from anxiety or depression or any psychological disorder that is currently affecting your ability to perform. For that, you first need to see a psychologist. When that’s sorted, then you can use this program to help get you back on track again.

If you’re dealing with complex issues, like extricating yourself from a family business that is wrought with politics, you might also struggle to get your result from this program, unless you already have a high level of self-awareness and/or you’ve received coaching before.

delegate effectively

So, the Self-Coaching Online program is for you if you’re reasonably self-aware and self-motivated, you’ve done at least some self-reflection and some work on yourself, and you want to take your personal effectiveness to the next level. Perhaps you’re looking to improve your personal discipline and performance, your relationships and your general sense of fulfilment from life—then you’d be looking at this, the Personal (Life) version. Or perhaps you seek to build the courage and confidence to take the next big step in your business or career, or to improve your leadership performance—then you’d go for the Professional (Executive) version.

Yes, I’m ready to invest. Where do I sign up?


If you’re not satisfied with the program, let us know within 14 days and you’ll get your money back. Guaranteed. 

I’m still not sure, what else can you tell me?

Many people find the investment of time and money for coaching prohibitive. I’m often asked whether coaching is covered by medical insurance—it’s not. In many cases, a company will sponsor the coaching, but often only for senior executives or people earmarked for that level, or for a leadership role. In order to make coaching more broadly accessible, I decided to create this, the Self-Coaching Online program—both this, the Personal (Life) version and the Professional (Executive) version.

Whichever version you choose, it’s designed to give you all the awareness introductions you’d gain from a regular, live coaching program, plus it provides a structure for you to follow—and questions you can use—that, if applied intelligently and with diligence, will enable you to find the answers you’d normally get from having a coach sitting in front of you.

Of course, the reason why people engage a coach is to have someone listen skilfully and ask the right questions. Therefore, I’ve made sure that, by choosing the self-coaching online program, you won’t be entirely alone. You’ll be able to submit questions and check your progress along the way—to see if you’re asking and answering the coaching questions correctly. Your submissions will get my personal attention, and I’ll make sure you gain confidence in your ability to coach yourself as you progress.

Remind me, which version is right for me?

Below is a checklist of possible areas of challenge that the Self-Coaching Online program will help you with.

Life version

Choose this one, the Personal (Life) version if all your objectives are taken care of by this list (i.e. if none of your objectives are on the Executive list further down).

  • You find yourself consistently setting goals, or trying to change habits, and then not following through;
  • You find yourself making decisions that often don’t serve you;
  • You become easily discouraged when things don’t work out;
  • You become easily bored once you’ve had the great idea and now you need to follow through;
  • You’re facing a career crossroads or other life-stage decision point and you need to create clarity for yourself;
  • You want to stop procrastinating and move your life forward in a sustainable, consistent and inspiring way;
  • You want to improve how you show up in your relationships and in life in general;

Executive version

These issues are covered only by the Professional (Executive) version of the program. Choose the Executive version if any or all of your objectives are on this list.

  • You’ve recently been promoted and you find yourself having to manage people who were once your peers;
  • You’re leading a team—or even a whole department or division—at work and you need some help dealing with the people aspect;
  • You’re destined for greater things at your company and you want to get yourself ready for a leadership role.

Yes, I’m ready to invest. Where do I sign up?


If you’re not satisfied with the program, let us know within 14 days and you’ll get your money back. Guaranteed.