Making promises and keeping them is the brick and mortar of self-esteem

WHEN JOHN F Kennedy told the world that America would go to the moon, he didn’t say maybe, he made a bold promise. When Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa, he didn’t mince his words: ‘Never, never, and never again…’ was how he phrased his promise. How is it that great men can promise things on behalf of nations, of people who haven’t been born yet, and others can’t promise to make a simple project deadline, or sales target? They’ll rather say that they’ll try. About going to gym, they’ll say that they want to, or should.

If you’re not doing it, or not doing it enough, you’re losing power daily.

Observe your language and see how much of it is filled with if’s and maybe’s, and want to’s and should’s. How would your life look if you were to change that and turn those into firm promises and commitments? Being willing to make firm commitments and having the power to keep them is the brick and mortar of self-esteem. If you’re not doing it, or not doing it enough, then you’re losing power daily. Go ahead, test it.