Coaching Books, Video, Audio2023-12-05T10:15:25+00:00

INTRODUCING! The Fast-Track Video Series

Power up your understanding of the Personal Effectiveness books by supplementing your reading with a fast-track video series! 

coaching fast-track video series personal effectivenessThe fast-track video series consists of 24 videos (46 for the Executive version), covering 12 different themes. Each chapter of the Personal Effectiveness (or Personal Effectiveness for Executives) book corresponds to a “session” in the video series. So you can watch each video session as you read the related chapter, or you can watch them all right away, it’s up to you. In this way, you’ll gain access to all the awareness introductions and tools that you would normally get during a life or executive coaching program. In fact, you’ll probably get more, because we’re likely to miss a few during the coaching process while we deal with the stuff that comes up naturally during the sessions.

BONUS! After you’ve watched each video—and, presumably, read the corresponding chapter in the book—you’ll be able to submit a written question to the author, Neil, who will provide an answer within 24 hours.

ADDITIONAL BONUS! Each “session” contains two bonus audio tracks of author readings from the Personal Effectiveness book!

About the Personal Effectiveness Book Series

self-help books coaching neil bierbaumEACH BOOK in this series contains all the best coaching content and tools that I’ve uncovered and/or developed for my clients during fifteen years of practice in both a life and executive context. The core content within each book is organised sequentially to match the typical development of awareness through a coaching program. Then two of the books (the handbooks) have an added self-coaching component.

All the books are jam-packed with clearly marked scientific or source references, key concepts, real-life examples, and exercises. The themes covered include: Getting Motivated; Know Yourself (Your Personality); Working with Values; Your Power to Create; Story & Reality; Taking Responsibility (Life version); Agreement & Accountability (Executive version); Skilful Conversations (Executive version); Working with Emotions; The Flow State; Decision & Commitment; Legacy & Lifestyle; Authentic Leadership Brand (Executive version).

NOTE You’d choose just ONE of the four books, according to your needs (life or executive) and whether you want to just read the core content, or take yourself through a self-coaching program (the handbooks) using good ol’ textbook-style learning.

book personal effectiveness neil bierbaum

Personal Effectiveness (185 pages) contains the core content that you’d be introduced to during a life coaching program. In fact, you’ll probably get more of them in the book because we’re likely to miss a few during the coaching process while we deal with the stuff that comes up naturally during the sessions.

book personal effectiveness executives neil bierbaum

Personal Effectiveness for Executives (261 pages) contains the core content that you’d be introduced to during an executive coaching program. In fact, you’ll probably get more of them in the book because we’re likely to miss a few during the coaching process while we deal with the stuff that comes up naturally during the sessions.

personal effectiveness self-coaching handbook neil bierbaum

The Personal Effectiveness Self-Coaching Handbook (311 pages) is the Personal Effectiveness book, plus a self-coaching component. Seen from another angle, it’s got all the content of the Self-Coaching Online | Life program, but it’s in printed book format instead of online multimedia format. So you’d get this one if you prefer good ol’ textbook-style learning.

personal effectiveness self-coaching handbook executive neil bierbaum

The Personal Effectiveness Self-Coaching Handbook for Executives (399 pages) is the Personal Effectiveness for Executives book, plus a self-coaching component. Seen from another angle, it’s got all the content of the Self-Coaching Online | Executive program, but it’s in printed book format instead of online multimedia format. So you’d get this one if you prefer good ol’ textbook-style learning.

The Conscious Leader: 52 Leadership Maxims

Short, pithy, poetic and powerful leadership insights for the modern world. Written in a style drawn from the ancient wisdom tradition but with relevance to the modern leadership context. None of the usual cliches here, these are original and hard-hitting and will expand your perspective.

You can read this book in one sitting. However, you would do better to read one maxim a week—there are 52 after all—and use it to support your self-development process. You can also dip into it when you are dealing with a conundrum and need guidance—either by focusing on the problem and opening to a page as you feel guided or by using the quick reference guide at the end to select a particular theme.

This is a book that you’ll want to keep near at hand, and refer to often.

Practical Mindfulness: Master Yourself, Master Your Life. 

Enjoy the book (paperback) version of the highly successful Practical Mindfulness program!

The Practical Mindfulness program is a live workshop series (also available as an online self-study program) that brings together the best of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and ontological coaching and presents them through a classical mindfulness lens. It applies the model to the following fields of real-life application: Emotion Regulation; Handling Stress & Building Resilience; Complexity & Decision-Making; Creating & Sustaining the State of Flow; Authentic Being & Relating.

The book, authored by Neil Bierbaum and co-authored by Dr Colinda Linde, covers all the material of the workshop series, and more. What’s more, it’s a book, so you can carry it around with you, mark it up, and use it as a handy reference, anywhere, anytime. Its 242 pages are jam-packed with clearly marked scientific references, key concepts, real-life examples, exercises to do while reading, and uniquely crafted meditation and other practices to save for later—all supported by a plethora of online material.

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