Should You Make A New Year’s Resolution?

New Year’s resolutions are so last century, right? I mean, who really even believes that they’ll follow through with anything, who believes that they’ll actually make that change? What if you’re going about it all wrong, this year and every year? This post is also available as a YouTube video (click here). Or jump to the audio version. SO HERE we are, going into 2022. Given the two years we’ve had, and the direction that Covid seems to be taking, perhaps all you’ll have to do [...]

10 Guidelines for Generating Meaningful Hope

Hope is critical in these tough times. Meaningful hope is not fantasy, it’s real. It’s also not random, it can be generated. Here are 10 guidelines for generating meaningful hope. This post is also available as a YouTube video (click here). Or jump to the audio version. MY OWN experience of going through personal tough times, which I shared in a previous post, taught me that you have to end each day with hope. I also shared some examples of how I did this for myself, [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:25:09+00:009 Jun 2020|Categories: Personal Effectiveness|

How to Generate Hope in Tough Times

There are tough times ahead, and what we need is hope. Hope is not random, it can be generated. Experiencing my own tough times has taught me how—and so can you. This post is also available as a YouTube video (click here). Or jump to the audio version. ONE THING you can say about living in South Africa is that we know how to survive through tough and uncertain times. In fact, if you’re alive and breathing in this country, you’ve probably never known a time [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:25:10+00:004 Jun 2020|Categories: Personal Effectiveness|

Equanimity: A Word for Our Time

Equanimity, along with compassion, is one of the most revered virtues in every spiritual and philosophical tradition. Yet it’s almost entirely absent from our corporate leadership lexicon. That says a lot about who and what and where we are. It’s also why equanimity is a word for our time. IF YOU learn to observe your own mind, as mindfulness teaches you to do, you’ll notice two particular things about your thoughts. Firstly, you’ll notice that your thoughts are always—literally, always*—about the future and the past. So you’re always [...]

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