Mindfulness. What it is. What it can do for you. How to practice it. Which is where the meditation comes in.

Morning Stretch Exercises for Back & Neck Health

Little matters more for mental clarity, energy, mood and performance than having your back and neck in good working order. Here is a morning stretch and exercise routine that is designed to support good back and neck health. This post is also available as a YouTube video (click here). Or jump to the audio version. Think back to the last time you had a sore, throbbing neck and headache—and hopefully that’s not happening for you right now! I’m sure you’ll agree that when your back [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:25:10+00:002 Jun 2020|Categories: Congruent Life, Mindfulness & Meditation|

Equanimity: A Word for Our Time

Equanimity, along with compassion, is one of the most revered virtues in every spiritual and philosophical tradition. Yet it’s almost entirely absent from our corporate leadership lexicon. That says a lot about who and what and where we are. It’s also why equanimity is a word for our time. IF YOU learn to observe your own mind, as mindfulness teaches you to do, you’ll notice two particular things about your thoughts. Firstly, you’ll notice that your thoughts are always—literally, always*—about the future and the past. So you’re always [...]

Getting Motivated (5 of 5) | Agitation, Stress — Could You Care Less?

The world is in a mad rush. Everybody wants everything yesterday. Welcome to the state of agitation, the precursor to stress. It’s a bad neighbourhood, and not one you should care to hang around in.   IF YOU’VE ever been stuck in traffic when you’re running late for a meeting—and presuming you’re not a Zen monk—you’ll recognise the state of agitation. It’s that state when you’re pushing hard against life to make things happen within a certain time, or in a certain way, and life is having none of [...]

By |2023-12-05T13:02:46+00:0030 Oct 2019|Categories: Mindfulness & Meditation, Motivation|Tags: , , , |

Why Mindfulness, Why Now?

Mindfulness has reached a tipping point of awareness and people are asking why, what’s the fuss all about? Here is one important suggested reason. MANY PEOPLE have asked the question that makes up the header of this article: Why mindfulness, why now? This post suggests one important reason: the state of the world right now. Most people will agree that the world is a pretty topsy-turvy place at the moment. Election results are unexpected. Think Brexit, and Trump. Terrorist attacks are unpredictable. Think London, Paris, Ariana Grande. New companies [...]

By |2021-05-26T16:26:02+00:0029 Jan 2018|Categories: Mindfulness & Meditation|Tags: , |
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